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Energy Healing for Relationships Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2019 available in August, 2019, at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Your subtle energy field plays a major role in the ups and downs of your relationships. In this groundbreaking book, Keith Sherwood and Sabine Wittmann show you how to transform your relationships by healing the...
read more Your subtle energy field plays a major role in the ups and downs of your relationships. In this groundbreaking book, Keith Sherwood and Sabine Wittmann show you how to transform your relationships by healing the wounds, blockages, and attachments that drive family members apart. Featuring helpful examples and hands-on exercises, Energy Healing for Relationships helps you find a compatible partner, heal family dynamics, strengthen your connections to your loved ones, and overcome parental challenges. Tips and techniques for working with meditation, energy, positive thinking, chakras, mudras, and visualization will move you forward on your journey with your family and friends while also helping you learn to deal with the difficult people in your life. This book is designed to ensure that children grow up with all the love and self-confidence they need and to enhance the well-being of all the members of your family.
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Energy Healing for Women Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2015 available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Reclaim your personal strength, joy, and sense of pleasure through a new understanding of your energy field. Energy Healing for Women provides effective exercises to heal injury and restore wholeness on...
read more Reclaim your personal strength, joy, and sense of pleasure through a new understanding of your energy field. Energy Healing for Women provides effective exercises to heal injury and restore wholeness on all levels with chakra healing, karmic release, breathwork, massage, mudra, meditation, and affirmation practices. With each chapter devoted to an energetic issue that may be limiting your power?including difficult issues such as abuse and reproductive wounds?the techniques in this guide will help you feel empowered and improve your courage and vitality.
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The Art of Spiritual Healing Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2016 available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Uncover new ways to connect with the incredible healing energy that is always flowing through you in this second edition of Keith Sherwood's bestselling book. Expanding the scope beyond physical disease...
read more Uncover new ways to connect with the incredible healing energy that is always flowing through you in this second edition of Keith Sherwood's bestselling book. Expanding the scope beyond physical disease, The Art of Spiritual Healing now has chapters on healing energetic traumas and relationships, as well as maintaining wellness in a complex and stressful world. Many original healing techniques have also been streamlined and simplified, making it easier to enrich your body, soul, and spirit. Featuring new illustrations, new mudra practices, and step-by-step directions to new and classic techniques, this handbook helps you build and maintain good health. In addition to becoming a wellspring for the Divine healing energy, you'll learn how to: develop "attention," a key factor in energy work and healing, see and feel auras, and use them as a diagnostic tool, open and balance the chakras, use vibrational, polarization, and empathetic techniques, and channel energy from a distance.
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Im Bett mit Shiva Kösel-Verlag, Germany, 2012 Die Sehnsucht nach Orgasmus und Einssein: Sobald einschränkende Glaubenssätze und Tabus beim Sex mental überwunden sind, lässt sich sexuelle Energie vor allem über die Aktivierung der Chakren befreien und steigern. Dieses Buch verrät, warum diese Energie...
read more Die Sehnsucht nach Orgasmus und Einssein: Sobald einschränkende Glaubenssätze und Tabus beim Sex mental überwunden sind, lässt sich sexuelle Energie vor allem über die Aktivierung der Chakren befreien und steigern. Dieses Buch verrät, warum diese Energie in ungeahnte Ekstase versetzen kann. Es zeigt, wie erfüllende Liebe und wahre Intimität zur transzendenten und somit zur spirituellen Erfahrung werden.
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Sex and Transcendence Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2011 available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Imagine not only having a sex life that's out of this world, but also having a more intimate relationship with your partner-and a life filled with pleasure, love, and joy. Blending tantra, karma, past lives, and universal...
read more Imagine not only having a sex life that's out of this world, but also having a more intimate relationship with your partner-and a life filled with pleasure, love, and joy. Blending tantra, karma, past lives, and universal consciousness, this book helps you use your body, mind, and energy field to reach new heights of sexual ecstasy and create a profoundly spiritual relationship.
Renowned author Keith Sherwood shares practical techniques for releasing karmic baggage, overcoming sexual inhibitions, and using your chakras and energy system to experience complete oneness with your partner. This guide includes step-by-step exercises that can be performed alone or with a partner, and illustrations of the various mudras and the human energy system. Discover spiritual foreplay techniques for multiple full-body orgasms, and learn to sustain a loving relationship built on trust and heightened passion. Close this review |
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Liebe und Transzendenz Kindle Edition, Germany, 2011 Wie kann man eine von spiritueller Tiefe geprägte Beziehung führen? Am Beispiel der Geschichte eines Liebespaars, das von einem Meister der Energiearbeit unterrichtet wird, lernt man, welche Denk- und Verhaltensmuster die eigene Partnerschaft blockieren...
read more Wie kann man eine von spiritueller Tiefe geprägte Beziehung führen? Am Beispiel der Geschichte eines Liebespaars, das von einem Meister der Energiearbeit unterrichtet wird, lernt man, welche Denk- und Verhaltensmuster die eigene Partnerschaft blockieren. Sherwoods Übungen, Mudras und Meditationen helfen, Muster zu durchbrechen und so eine wahrhaft erfüllte Beziehung zu gestalten.
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Seks i transcendencija Kvaka izdavaštvo , Hrvatska, 2010 Seks i transcedencija se fokusiraju na ljudsko energetsko polje i na to kako ono djeluje na seks i odnose. Uz pomoc knjige pronaci cete i ukloniti one blokade u vašem energetskom polju koje...
read more Seks i transcedencija se fokusiraju na ljudsko energetsko polje i na to kako ono djeluje na seks i odnose. Uz pomoc knjige pronaci cete i ukloniti one blokade u vašem energetskom polju koje ogranicavaju mogucnost doživljavanja transcedentalnog seksa, te na energetskom planu ponuditi rješenja za seksualne probleme i probleme u odnosu, uzrokovane tim blokadama.
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Duhovno umijece ljubavi Kvaka izdavaštvo, Hrvatska, 2007 "...Malo se ljudi ne bi složilo s cinjenicom da su želja za ljubavlju i intimnošcu snažne sile koje motiviraju pojedince, a ponekad i citave narode. Ali, ljubav i intimnost mogu se pojaviti samo ukoliko osoba poznaje sebe i živi autenticno..."
read more "...Malo se ljudi nebi složilo s cinjenicom da su želja za ljubavlju i intimnošcu snažne sile koje motiviraju pojedince, a ponekad i citave narode. Ali, ljubav i intimnost mogu se pojaviti samo ukoliko osoba poznaje sebe i živi autenticno Nažalost, cak i uz sve danas dostupne informacije malo je ljudi pronašlo put do sebe, a još manje otkljucalo škrinju s blagom užitka, ljubavi, intimnosti i radosti koja postoji unutar njih samih. Zaista, malo ljudi zna zašto jedan dan osjecaju ljubav, a zašto drugi dan ona izblijedi, zašto osjecaju intimnost samo kratko vrijeme, a ne uspijevaju je održati. Zašto osjecaju privlacnost, a ne uspijevaju je pokazati ili zašto osjecaju cežnju za intimnošcu, a nisu joj se u stanju predati, niti na trenutak. Unatoc važnosti koja se danas pridaje odnosima, samospoznaji i intimnosti, još uvijek postoji duboko nerazumijevanje onoga što bi ljudi trebali ciniti i onoga što bi trebali izbjegavati kako bi postigli i održali intimnost unutar veze."
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Die Kunst spiritueller Liebe Lüchow Verlag, Germany, 2006 "Die Kunst spiritueller Liebe" handelt von einer jungen Frau namens Avril, die sich mithilfe ihres Lehrers, Alexander Truman, auf ihre Reise zur Transzendenz begibt. Getrieben von einem tiefen Verlangen nach Liebe und Intimität sucht sie Antworten...
read more "Die Kunst spiritueller Liebe" handelt von einer jungen Frau namens Avril, die sich mithilfe ihres Lehrers, Alexander Truman, auf ihre Reise zur Transzendenz begibt. Getrieben von einem tiefen Verlangen nach Liebe und Intimität sucht sie Antworten darauf, warum es in ihren Beziehungen immer wieder Spannungen gibt, weshalb sich Beziehungsmuster wiederholen und warum sie sich dem gemeinsamen Intim-Sein mit ihrem Partner nie lange hingeben kann. Im Dialog mit Alexander Truman lernt Avril Schritt für Schritt, welche karmischen Blockaden und Anhaftungen sie daran hindern, ihre Energie frei ausstrahlen zu lassen und wie sie diese überwinden kann. Avril erfährt zunehmend tiefe und andauernde Liebe, Freude und Intimität, nicht nur mit Ihrem Partner Dieter, sondern auch mit ihrem eigenen inneren Selbst und dem universellen Bewusstsein.
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Chakra Therapie Schirner Verlag, Germany Alle Probleme des Menschen sind letztendlich Energieprobleme. Will der Mensch begreifen, wer er ist und warum er auf eine bestimmte Weise handelt, denkt und fühlt, muss er sich selbst auf der Energieebene kennenlernen. Dann kann er gesammelte Reserven ...
read more Alle Probleme des Menschen sind letztendlich Energieprobleme. Will der Mensch begreifen, wer er ist und warum er auf eine bestimmte Weise handelt, denkt und fühlt, muss er sich selbst auf der Energieebene kennenlernen. Dann kann er gesammelte Reserven so umwandeln, dass sie eine gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung enfalten können. Mit den von Keith A. Sherwood beschriebenen Techniken können neue Zugänge zu den physischen und psychischen Energiesystemen gefunden und damit sämtliche Prozesse der Selbstheilung erfolgreich unterstützt werden.
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Chakras & Karma Schirner Verlag, Germany, 2004 Praktische Erfahrungen und gesammeltes Wissen aus über 20 Jahren therapeutischer Arbeit hat der Autor in diesem Basiswerk auf leicht verständliche und nachvollziehbare Weise vereint. ...
read more Praktische Erfahrungen und gesammeltes Wissen aus über 20 Jahren therapeutischer Arbeit hat der Autor in diesem Basiswerk auf leicht verständliche und nachvollziehbare Weise vereint. Die darin vorgestellten, einfach nachzuvollziehenden und höchst effektiven Übungen entwickelte er im Rahmen von Seminaren und Einzelsitzungen. Somit macht er sowohl Anfängern als auch Fortgeschrittenen eine sichere und verlässliche Technik verfügbar, mit deren Hilfe Energieblockaden, Verstrickungen, karmischer Ballast u. Ä. aufgelöst werden können.
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Die Kunst des spirituellen Heilens Lüchow Verlag, Germany, 2005 Alternative Formen des Heilens finden spätestens seit der Gesundheitsreform sehr stark das Interesse der Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Buch eröffnet...
read more Alternative Formen des Heilens finden spätestens seit der Gesundheitsreform sehr stark das Interesse der Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Buch eröffnet Perspektiven jenseits ausgetretener Pfade. Spirituelle Heilverfahren arbeiten mit der Heilungsenergie, die fortwährend durch den Menschen fließt. Zum Heiler wird, wer diese Energie wahrnimmt und aktiviert. Entscheidend ist die Fähigkeit des Heilers, seine eigene Heilungsenergie auf den Patienten zu übertragen. Das erfordert aber auch die Empathie des Patienten, diese Energie zu spüren und zur eigenen Heilung aktiv zu nutzen. Keith Sherwood gibt ganz konkrete Anleitungen, wie man sich dieser Energie bewusst wird und wie man sie einsetzen kann, um sich und anderen zu helfen.
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Chakra Healing and Karmic Awareness Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2005 available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Presents a step-by-step approach to overcoming karmic baggage and energy blockages by...
read more Accumulating karmic baggage-the dense energy carried from one lifetime to another-is a common hazard for many. This debilitating energy can negatively influence one's personality, relationships, physical health, and spirituality. This book offers a step-by-step approach to overcoming karmic baggage and energy blockages. Keith Sherwood's easy techniques can help you activate the chakras, strengthen boundaries (the surface of auras), arouse the kundalini, and embrace personal dharma. He also teaches how to take care of your energy system and condition it for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
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Chakra Therapy Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2002 available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble You are an energy being. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are energy events—to know who you are and why you think, feel, and act the way you do, you must know yourself energetically. ...
read more You are an energy being. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are energy events—to know who you are and why you think, feel, and act the way you do, you must know yourself energetically. Each of the seven chakras of the human body processes and distributes energy. The chakras transform the energy into sensations comprehensible to us, namely, thought, emotion, and physical sensation. Human problems—spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical—are caused by the inability to radiate energy freely due to blockages in our energy systems. This practical, easy-to-use self help book by renowned healer Keith Sherwood teaches you how to work with your chakras to release energy blockages for improved health. You’ll learn techniques for increasing your level of energy, and for transmuting unhealthy energies into healthy ones, to bring you back into harmony with yourself, your loved ones, and the world in which you live.
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The only books reviewed and made available through are those which onewholelove recommends without reservation. The criteria for our selections is simple; each book must support the advaitic view of the cosmos, which onewholelove embraces, and which is embraced by Vedanta, Yoga, Taoism, Jainism and Buddhism; namely that you and God are one and indivisible. We have recommended only those books that remain true to the spirit of the work and which are not muddled by a mere textual or academic understanding of the material.
*****The rating system: There is a five star rating system; five being the highest rating three the lowest. Five stars are given to scriptural and non-scriptural books written by enlightened masters or transcribed from their dialogues. Four stars are given to non-scriptural texts, (such as commentaries of scriptural texts) that are clear, readable and accurate but not as spiritually authoritative as scripture or the dialogues of enlightened masters. Three stars are given to non-scriptural texts which are note worthy and informative.
List of recomended books
- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna *****
This is a modern masterpiece transcribed from actual conversations, dialogues and observations made by the great spiritual master Ramakrishna, who lived in India, from 1836-1886. Some of you may be more familiar with his illustrious disciple Swami Vivikananda, who traveled to the West-at Ramakrishna’s bequest, at the end of the nineteenth century, and who is credited with introducing Yoga to England and the United States.
‘Presented with an uncanny sense of the human condition, ‘great spiritual truths are described in simple words and vivid, ’stories.’
Much in this book may be new for a beginner; but if you have some experience in Yoga or metaphysics this monumental work will become a trusted resource; one which you turn to again and again, as a source of information and inspiration.
The Gospel of Ramakrishna is available in unabridged and abridged versions. In its unabridged version it is over one thousand pages long, with several appendixes and a comprehensive glossary.
Close this review - Mahabharata *****
The ‘Mahabharata’ is one of two sweeping epics produced in ancient India. The second is the ‘Ramayama.’ Both the ‘Ramayama’ and ‘Mahabharata’ use the ‘epic’ format-much like Homer used the Iliad and Odyssey, to convey spiritual truths to his readers, in an exciting and highly readable form. The ‘Mahabharata’ is the story of the Pandava family, and in particular Arjuna the youngest son of the King, who becomes entangled in a tragic war with his relatives. The events of the epic lead up to those in the Bhagavad Gita. And, in the ‘Mahabharata,’ once again the Avatar of the Satya Yuga, Krishna plays a prominent role as teacher and guide.
Mr. Rajagopalacharis’ translation reads like a novel, yet conveys the spiritual truths presented in the book clearly and vividly. The ‘Mahabharata is essential reading for anyone interested in Yoga, Hinduism or the study of Vedanta.
Close this review - Tao te Ching: A New English Version ****
This is an excellent modern translation, true to the spirit of Lao Tzu’s epic work. Each chapter is presented clearly and tastefully on separated pages which makes for easy reading.
A short forward provides the reader with a historical context for the work as well as providing a window into Chinese culture at the time.
In the back of the book are a short series of notes.
Close this review - The Essential Chuang Tzu (Tao Te Ching) ****
This is an excellent translation of an early Taoist masterpiece; true to the transcendental spirit of the work, without being encumbered by commentary of an academic nature, which can often obscure the spiritual truths, the author is trying to reveal. Chang Tzu offers stories, and parables based on the teaching of Taoism.
The 81 short chapters are presented individually on separate pages adding to the clarity and making the book easy to read. The introduction gives a clear historical and much needed cultural perspective. The notes at the end of the book offer clarification and added nuance to the use of certain words and phrases in the original text..
Close this review - The Art of War ****
This is a clear and accessible translation of the ancient work, which for the modern reader, makes for fascinating reading. It is considered essential reading for cadets at West Point, and for military leaders in every branch of the military. Though dealing with war, its principles, which have their root in Taoism, offer insight into conflicts in general; not only those that occur in the physical-material world but conflicts that occur within soul and spirit as well, which each person, like a general, in the field must face or suffer the consequences. In its own way the ‘Art of War’ can serve as a parable for the struggles, set-backs, and intrigues of both the inner life of mind and spirit, and external life in the physical-material plane.
There is a short forward, which is informative. It gives both a historical and cultural context for the work and a short biography of the warrier Sun Tzu
Close this review - The Serpent Power: 2 Works on Laya-Yoga ****
This is a famous though at times difficult work to read; first published in 1919. It is a translation, from the Sanscrit, of two Shastras, sacred texts of Yoga and Tantra, ‘Sat-Cakra Nirupana’ and ‘Paduka-Pancaka,’ with an extensive introduction and commentary. The main text deals with the first seven chakras and the kundalini-Sakti. Very extensive descriptions of the chakras, their structure and function, are given in the commentary to the text. And ancient practices are described for raising the Kundalini-Sakti to the crown chakra.
Though this was a ground-breaking work when it was first published, it may seem a bit dated to the modern reader. Nonetheless, it is essential reading for the serious energy-worker and student of Yoga and metaphysics. Although there is an extensive index, no Sanscrit glossary is included. And unless the reader is familiar with Sanscrit terminology and has at least some familiarity with Hindu cosmology a separate glossary is essential.
Close this review - The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi ****
Ramana Maharshi is revered as one of the greatest Indian masters of the twentieth century. Unlike other masters from his native land to whom Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion was the preferred path, he was a master of Jnani- yoga, the path of knowledge. His method of Yoga, Vishara, which leads to union with the Self is most succintly translated as Self-Inquiry and is traditionally considered the most difficult, and yet the most direct path to enlightenment.
Although there have been other collections of Ramana Maharshis’ dialogues published this one is particularly useful, since it covers seven essential areas of spiritual practice; Basic Theory; Theory to Practice; Life in the World; the Guru; Self-Inquiry; Other methods; The Goal.
Close this review - The Bhagavad Gita´ *****
No volume of spiritual literature from the East has been so universally celebrated as the Bhagavad Gita. Considered the greatest of all Hindu scriptures, it is the culmination of the Upanishads which was given to mankind by Krishna himself the creator of Yoga and the Avatar of the Satya Yuga.
It is presented as a dialogue between Krishna, the avatar of the Satya Yuga and Arguna, his disciple. The dialogue takes place during the final days of the war that is recounted in detail in the Mahabarata.
In this short work Krishna counsels Arjuna on the essential elements of Yoga;, Illumination; Meditation; Atman; The way of love; Maya; The power of faith; and Freedom and renunciation.
The Bhagavad Gita is essential reading and Mr. Easwaren’s translation is clear and easy to follow. He offers an excellent introduction and extensive and informative commentaries at the end of each chapter. There are additional notes at the back of the book as well as a user friendly glossary andindex.
Close this review - The Advaitic Theism of the Bhagavata Purana ****
This book is a gem. It is targeted towards the advanced student of Vedanta- someone who already familiar with the ‘Bhagavata’ and Vedic principles, (less advanced students may not understand all of it, but they will find its profound insights certainly worth the effort of studying portions of it).
The ‘Bhagavada Purana;’ one of the most important Shastras, (holy books) of Yoga is a series of narratives depicting Khishna’s life as a child and adolescent, (Krishna was the avatar of the Satya Yuga). It culminates in scenes of the Avatar becoming the divine lover of the cowherd maidens. As a cultural icon, the ‘Bhagavata’ has had a remarkable influence over the sensitivities, emotions and cultural perceptions of Indians.
This commentary is an excellent companion to the classic work, providing insight and interpretation into the principles of Non-dualism; the Self; The Absolute with and without qualities; Illusion and Maya; Bondage; Energy and power; The four ages etc..
On its own Mr. Sheridan’s book is highly readable and is recommended: As an adjunct to the ‘Bhagavata’ it becomes an excellent tool for understanding the deeper principles of Vedanta.
Close this review - Jnaneshwari, Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita ***
Sri Jnanedev, a poet and yogi who lived briefly more than seven hundred year ago wrote this commentary on the ‘Bhagavad Gita.’ It differs from other commentaries by viewing the Gita as two books. Many commentaries have been written and accompany the Bhagavad Gita. This one, because of its breath and originality has itself become a classic.
It is highly readable and is an excellent choice for someone seeking insight into the principles and truths embodied in the greatest of all the Upanishads, the ‘Bhagavad Gita.’
For those not familiar with the historical, social and political background of the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ and the ‘Mahabarata’ the volume includes a well written introduction. Mr. Bhagwat also provides a definitive biography of the author Sri Jnanedeva.
Close this review - Shiva Sutras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity ****
This is a complex work including the translation of the ‘Shiva Sutras,’ Ksemaraja’s original commentary, and the ‘The Vimarsini.’ However, for the serious student interested in the Saiva System of Yoga, known as Agama this is an important work. The Saiva system, which emerged in Kashmir during antiquity, is one of India’s most important and enduring. It is a non-dualistic system similar to the Advaitic system of Vendanta.
The ‘Shiva Sutras’ are believed by Saivists, those who worship Shiva, to have been revealed to mankind by Shiva himself. The Sutras deal with the triad or Trika central to Kashmir Saivism: 1 Shiva, The Highest, (Shiva as pure consciousness): 2 Shakti, Identity in difference: 3 Nara, the bound soul.
The Sutras were well known before the ninth century although no exact date can be determined for their origin.
Mr. Singh provides an extensive introduction which introduces the reader to the principles of Kashmir Saivism. He also includes along with the narrative useful illustrations and a glossary of Sanscrit terms.
Though this is not a difficult work to read; it is clear and well organized with text, translation and commentary following one another, the subject matter is clearly meant for someone with an understanding of the subject matter and some experience in Yoga, meditation and/or energy control.
Close this review - Hindu Gods and Goddesses ****
This is an excellent little book for anyone studying Yoga, Vedanta or who is interested in Hindu cosmology or another aspect of Indian spiritual life.
In 177 pages it gives a detailed synopsis of the major Hindu Gods and Goddesses. It provides an illustration of each God or Goddess and describes their history, position in the Hindu pantheon and their attributes. For example Shiva is call the ‘great master of well as....spiritual, dancing and other arts. As a universal teacher he is called Daksinatmurti...He has three eyes and four arms. Two of the arms (the front right and the front left) are in Jnanamudra and Varamudra poses (showing the imparting of knowledge and bestowing of gifts). The back hands hold the Akasamala (rosary) and the serpent. He is the very model of the perfect Guru.’
An index in the back makes it easy to find information on a particular deity, including many of their honorific names.
Close this review - Dharmasutras-The Law Codes of Ancient India ****
This is an excellent translation of the ‘Dharmasutras,’ the Apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana and Vasistha. The book has an extensive bibliography and a very informative introduction. The ‘Dharmasutras’ belong to the same literary tradition as the spiritual corpus of the Upanishads. But unlike the Upanishads, which deal with matters of spiritual transcendence, the Dharmasutras deal with Dharma, the ethical life that is lived on the physical-material plane. Since the ‘Dharmasutras’ were all written several hundred years before the the birth of Jesus they offer a window into the ancient life of India.
The four texts deal with a host of subjects including; The Householder, Purity and Impurity, The Judicial Process, Rules of Sexual Intercourse, Treatment of Guests, Rules for Wandering Sadus etc..
For those interested in the ancient culture of India during a time when many of the great sacred texts were composed and/or committed to writing, this will be a very enlightening book.
Mr. Olivelle, includes an extensive index of Sanscrit terms and well-written and informative notes in the back of the book.
Close this review - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism ***
Walking the spiritual path is a difficult process, and like the pilgrim in ‘Pilgrims Progress,’ it is fraught with difficulties, traps and obstacles. An ego centered spirituality is one of the greatest obstacles. It can deceive a student, making him think he has made progress, when it fact none has been made. Chogyam Trungpa, calls this form of deception ‘spiritual materialism,’ an expression which has become part of the vernacular.
The material in this book was originally presented as a series of lectures 1970- 71; in it, Trungpa Rinpoche focuses on the various ways people deceive themselves and fall into spiritual materialism or start playing spiritual games.
This is an incisive book which is useful for beginners and intermediate students especially those who’ve fallen into one of the subtle traps, ie. mind games, played by an ego intent on retaining its preeminent position.
This is a well written, easy to follow book and it covers many topics important to today's student regardless of the spiritual path he or she has chosen.
Close this review - Shiva ***
This is an excellent book about the third member of the Hindu Godhead, ‘Shiva’ and his consort (Sati). Pervati. It has many fascinating color illustrations and photos taken in India and Tibet of Yogis, festivals honoring Shiva-Shakti, and sacred shrines.
The book is divided into 19 chapters all dealing with aspects of the God: His manifestations as, Ascetic, Cosmic Dancer, Destroyer and Wrathful Bhairab; His Consort, His Yoga, Tantra, Symbols, Divine Sexuality, Relationship to death, The Ganges, (his sacred river), His festivals etc..
This is a highly readable and fascinating journey of 131 pages that will serve as a great introduction to Shiva, for beginners; as well as a welcome overview, highlighting the Gods’ importance to the religious culture of India, to those already familiar to the important Hindu God. In the back is a useful glossary of Sanscrit terms and a short bibliography.
Close this review - A Trident of Wisdom: Translation of Paratrisika Vivarana *****
This is an excellent translation of one of the first major works of Abhinavagupta, ca. 975-1025AD-probably the greatest Tantric master of Kashmir.
This work is addressed to advanced students and those already liberated.
Abhinavagupta synthesized much of the earlier Agamas of Kashmir Saivism and Tantra and eventually achieved liberation himself under the guidance of his teacher Kaula.
Abhinavagupta’s work, including the ‘Paratrisika Vivarana’ had a profound influence on those who came after him.
The purpose of this work, Abhinavagupta tells his student’s, is the attainment of liberation while alive.
Through Sing’s translation and exposition, the modern student is able to enter Abhinavagupta’s complex religious world. This text is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about Tantra, as it was practiced during the height of its influence, before it was overwhelmed by the introduction of Islam to India my the Mogul emperors.
This is a scholarly work however, oriented to the serious student; to someone ready to go directly to a primary source-in this case one of the most important in Indian Tantra.
Close this review - Vijananabhairava or Divine Consciousness: A Treasury of 112 types of Yoga ****
This book contains Sanscrit text, English translation, expository notes, an extensive introduction and a glossary of technical terms. The ‘Vijnanabhairava’ is a very ancient book on Yoga. It closely follows the basic principles of Saivagama and contains 112 types of Yoga-that touch on aspects of both worldly and sacred life.
There is hardly another book on Yoga that has presented so many ways to approach the ultimate reality of the Self...except perhaps for Pantanjali’s ‘Yoga Aphorisms.’
The exhaustive introduction, at the beginning of the book is particularly useful. It explains the basic principles presented in the text and is particularly useful to anyone not familiar with Indian Saivism. The translation is easy to follow and the glossary at the end, as well as Mr. Sing’s exposition in the introduction and notes, makes what might be difficult Sanscrit words and passages easy to understand. For anyone interested in Yoga and fascinated by Pantanjali’s ‘Yoga Aphorism’s’ this book will be a real treat.
Close this review - Krishna: Myths, Rites, and Attitudes ***
This is a fascinating collection of 8 essays by 6 American and 3 Indian scholars. The material covers Krishna as a divine child and divine lover. Among the essays presented 2 deal directly with the ‘Bhagavata Purana’ and the others refer to it. Since the ‘Bhagavata Purana’ stands out as the most important Vashnavian text, (Vashnavism refers to the worship of Krishna), these essays are essential reading for anyone interested in Vishnu, the Avatar of the Satya Yuga, Krishna or Kalki, the coming Avatar of the Kali Yuga Age, as well as Bhakti Yoga-the Yogic of devotion, which is central to the worship of Krishna.
There are extraordinary similarities between the worship of Krishna and the veneration of Jesus in Christianity: both Christians and Vashnavian’s worship God as a child, both believe in the grace of God and both insist on complete devotion; as a result this volume is useful for anyone who studies comparitic religion and sees a perennial truth-present in all the world’s great religions.
Close this review - The Tao of Love
This book is a Taoist field guide to increasing sexual potency and pleasure- based on traditional practices for increasing the flow of Chi and balancing Yin and Yang energy. The ‘Tao of Love,’ ‘discusses various love-making positions, breathing techniques, and diet, while stressing the connection between physical and spiritual fulfillment.
The book discusses Eros, Jing-the sexual essence, Ki-essential energy and finally Shen-spirit. The author discusses exercises that enhance the union of partners, methods for prolonging erection-the role of organs, such as the Kidney's which govern sexual energy as well as traditional Chinese sexual tonics-and bodily sexuality.
This is a very clear book-easy to understand yet full of insight and little known facts that can be applied, almost immediately, to create a more fulfilling relationship.
Close this review - The Lost Art of War ****
‘The Lost Art of War,’ was discovered in an ancient Chinese tomb in 1972, the first complete manuscript ever found from the legendary military strategist, Sun Tzu II, (commonly known as Sun Bin a direct descendent of Sun Tzu). ‘Like those of his distinguished ancestor, Sun Tzu II’s insights and strategies can be applied to life situations far beyond warfare-including diplomacy, business, relationships and social activity.’ The translation is easy to follow and the commentary provided by Mr. Cleary is concise, giving added depth and a socio- historical perspective to this important work.
Close this review - Sex Health & Long Life: Manuals of Taoist Practice ****
‘The benefits of sexual bliss were not lost on the ancients, who knew well its powers to enhance health, concentration and peace of mind. These ancient Chinese, Taoist texts examine the transformative effects sex can have when properly and wisely practiced, demonstrating Taoism’s emphasis on cultivating life's three treasures-vitality, energy and spirit-in all activities of daily life.
The texts are part of the famous Mauangdui finds, Han Dynasty tombs that yielded the richest cache of ancient medical texts ever found in China. The first three texts, ‘Ten Questions,’ ‘Joining Yin and Yang,’ and ‘Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World,’ deal with physical health, and sex lore, including diet, exercise, sleep and techniques for love-making. The last two, ‘A Course in Effectiveness’ and ‘A course in Guidance’ concentrate on the psychological factors of good health and well-being, especially the reduction of stress and cultivation of wholesome social relations.’
As usual Mr. Cleary’s translation is accurate and easy to read. At the end of the short volume are several pages of useful notes.
Close this review - The Yin Yang Butterfly-Ancient Chinese Sexual Secrets for Western Lovers ***
According to ancient Chinese sexology classics, good health leads to good sex, and good sex leads to good health. With this philosophy the Chinese developed a wide range of practices and customs to prolong arousal and increase pleasure.
In this book Valentin Chu distills this body of knowledge into a very readable and informative volume of 253 pages, replete with anecdotes, illustrations, practical advise to enhance your sexual lover making and classical Chinese poetry.’
The book is divided into three sections 1. The Sensual landscape, 2. The Art of the Bedchamber, 3. Ancient Secrets for Modern Lovers.
The author includes-at the end of the book-a short but useful glossary, bibliography and extensive index.
Close this review - The Buddha Speaks *****
In this small volume the author presents the core of the Buddha’s memorized by his students and later committed to writing and print. There is a useful editors preface and then eleven chapters thoughtfully compiled to cover the most important aspects of the life of the spiritual aspirant. They include; Awakening; Love; Clarity; Body and Mind; Contemplation; Sorrow; Truth; Life and Death; Time and infinity; Wisdom and Self and Society.
Material is drawn from the Buddha's’ most important discourses, in a clear and readable translation, that provides easy entree’ into the heart of Buddhism. For the beginner this book offers a wonderful introduction-and for the more advanced a quick reference to some of Buddhism's most sublime truths.
Close this review - Tantra-The Indian Cult of Ecstasy ***
Tantra plunges one back into the roots of one’s identity-unlike Vedanta which sees the world as an illusion, a function of the veiling effect of maya, Tantra sees the world of phenomena as an essential part of God’s consciousness.
Thus instead of of withdrawing from the world the Tantric adept plunges into the world-using every means possible to raise his or her vibration to the highest degree possible so that it becomes unmodified and indistinguishable from pure consciousness.
Mr. Rawson’s book is a concise study of Tantra. It is 128 pages long with 30 pages of text and 190 illustrations, many of which are in color and all of which have been carefully chosen to complement the text and provide an unparrelled peak into the fascinating world of this ancient cult.
The books presentation of the essential principles of Tantra is refreshingly clear and fascinating reading. And the plates are extraordinary-providing in themselves a pictorial history of Tantra, from its early beginnings in India- throughout its period of expansion throughout Asia.
Close this review - Vivekacudamani of Sri Sankaracarya *****
‘Viveka-Cudamani’ can be translated as ‘Crest-Jewel of Discrimination and it is a masterpiece of Advaita Vedanta, (non-dualism).
It’s theme is the overriding principle that only Brahman (Atman) is real-the universe is maya and the undivided soul is in fact one with the universal.
When it comes to Vedanta the core of Yogic thought-except for the scriptures (the Upanishads, Bhagavat Gita, etc.) no work is held in higher regard than the work of Sri Sankaracarya. Not only was he an enlightened sage-a saint and a sublime thinker; he managed to piece together different threads of Vedanta, which often seemed contradictory into a coherent whole. He did this by fully developing the concept of maya and integrating it with Vedanta-coherently reconciling for the first time the apparent paradox of ultimate reality , Brahma and the phenomenal world-which is only apparently real-but exists nonetheless.
Sankaracarya has been considered by many including Ramakrishna and Vivakananda to be one of the greatest of Indian saints. His influence on Indian religious thought and culture has been enormous.
This book is an essential work for anyone interested in personal liberation, Yoga and Vedanta. It is 232 pages long and Swami Madhavananda’s translation is both true to the spirit of the work and a delight to read.
At the end of the book is an easy to use and comprehensive index.
Close this review - The Universe, the Eleventh Dimension, and Everything: What We Know and How We Know It ***
In this 234 page book Richard Morris delivers a clear and concise introduction to the scientific revolution of the late twentieth century.
In this volume we see that as scientists have probed into the basic structure of matter they have begun to speculate on the nature of space and time itself-and whether there are non-physical dimensions that support the physical universe of three dimensions and time. Theories now contend that there are ten, eleven and possibly even more dimensions than that.
In this fascinating book Mr. Morris examines hat physicists already know about the micro and macrocosm-he goes on to explain how they have come to know it and where those in the forefront of these sciences are heading.
Among the topics this book cover are superstrings; the creation f life; a universe without end; and intuitions of a deeper reality. In their observations and speculations modern scientists are now moving into areas traditionally left to metaphicians and mystics. The confluence of science and spirituality is a remarkable even and one that will invariably continue to draw the scientist into the unseen, non-physical world of soul and spirit.
For those of you interested in a scientific foundation for the observations of enlightened men and women this book will be fascinating reading.
Close this review - The Mystical Poems of Kabir ****
Very little is known about Kabir and his life-except that he was a great Indian sage, seer and poet. It is believed, by some scholars that Kabir lived in the 15th century and was born to a well-to-do but low cast Hindu family.
Kabir’s poetry is unique because it speaks both of the singular union, (agape) experienced by adepts and of human love, (filio and eros) experienced by common men and women.
Kabir’s sadana (path to enlightenment) was Bhakti-the yoga of devotion, and his poems reflect his orientation-without compromising the need for truth and personal integrity. In his poem titled ‘Devotion,’ he writes, ‘It’s useless and a hopeless notion, to think liberation does not need devotion.’
Along with 35 poems, covering almost every aspect of spiritual life the editors have included a thorough commentary, in the beginning of the book, which gives both biographical and historical insights into the life and times of Kabir.
Close this review - Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension
The Washington post says that ‘Hyperspace is, ‘Mesmerizing...the reader exits dizzy, elated and looking at the world in a literally revolutionary way.’ Expect to be surprised how closely the principles of modern physics parallel the principles of Vedic and Yogic philosophy and cosmology.
What becomes clear as you read ‘Hyperspace’-is how modern physics is rediscovering something the ancients knew all along-that the four dimensions of physical time-space are supported by unseen (at least by scientists) dimensions of subtle matter, energy and consciousness.
What the book does admirably, is give a scientific basis for the existence of the subtle world-where most of the activity in the universe takes place.
The author goes through most of the current issues in physics and mathematics; Quantum Theory, Superstrings, Wormholes, Black holes and Parallel Universises. Its a fascinating journey and highly readable...and it will put a smile on the fact of every yogi, healer and psychic who reads it.
Close this review - The Dhammapada *****
The ‘Dhammapada,’ is a collection of sutras (verses), parables and instructions, collected by the students of Gautama Buddha. In the oral tradition of the 6th century before Christ, it must have been the equivalent of a handbook; a ready reference of the Buddha’s teachings. As an example, the ‘Dhammapada,’ says ‘a man who doesn’t learn from life grows like an old ox: his body grows, but not his wisdom.’
The word ‘Dhammapada’ means the way of dharma-and for centuries it has been revered by students of spirituality from all walks of life. Not much can be added to what has already been said about the virtues of the ‘Dhammapada’-like the ‘Bhagavat Gita’ and the ‘Upanishads’ it is considered one of the world’s great spiritual treasures.
This volume is particularly useful. The translation is true to the spirit of the Buddha’s words-as well as highly readable and the author includes an extensive introduction as well as expository notes at the beginning of each section. At the end of the book are additional notes, references and a readily usable index.
Close this review - Tripura Rahasya: The Mystery Behind the Trinity *****
This is an ancient work-one of the greatest of Indian Advaita (non-dualism); and is well-known in India. This particular translation, is the first in English and is highly readable and true to the spirit of the work.
The ‘Tripura Rahasya’ is a guide to happiness, which the Advaitic tradition teaches can only be achieved by union with the absolute, as the ‘Tripura Rahasya’ states; ‘misery is not the absence of happiness, but limited happiness. For as happiness recedes misery pours in.’
The book is presented as a dialogue between the sage Dattatreya and a disciple Parasuvarna. And the body of the work tell the story of a prince and his bride. It is she who becomes liberated first and through her influence her husband and every on else in the kingdom eventually becomes liberated. Without doubt-this is one of the most fascinating books in the Indian Vedic tradition. Its treatment of the principles is comprehensive but it is presented in a form that will delight western readers.
At the back of the book there are extensive notes, that add to the understanding of the text as well as an extensive index.
As far as is concerned, if a sixth star could be given to a work- for modern readers it would be given to ‘Tripura Rahasya.
Close this review - Talks with Ramana Maharshi *****
The ‘Talks,’ were first published as a set of three books-but now appears exclusively in this one-a 657 page volume. These talks were recorded between 1935 and 1939-in the form of dialogues between the master of Jnana Yoga, the yoga of knowledge and students.
Central to Raman Maharshi’s teaching was Vishara-the method of self-inquiry central to Jnana.
‘Instead of wanting to know this and that, seek to know the Self. Ask who am I instead of asking about a hundred other things,’ the master was fond of saying.
During most of his years the great Ramana Maharshi practiced Mauna-silence, so such a great collection of his words is particularly valuable especially since the teaching of Jnana-the most direct path to self-realization is such a rarity in modern times.
The ‘Talks’ cover a wide variety of subjects-which touch on virtually every aspect of the spiritual life. There is a glossary and index at the end of the book which will aid the student intent on studying the teachings presented in this remarkable book.
Close this review - Jesus Lived in India ***
In this fascinating and well researched book Holger Kersten an author specializing in religious history and theology at the University of Freiburg in Germany has called into question many of the theories concerning Jesus' message as well his early life and death on the cross.
The death of Jesus as related in the gospels has always engendered controversy and with this in mind the author began to research the widely held theory that Jesus survived the cross and lived for a considerable length of time afterward in India, where he taught and practiced a unique form of Yoga.
For anyone who is interested it knowing more about Jesus and the truly worldwide scope of his spiritual message this is a fascinating book. There is an extensive bibliography provided as well as a glossary of places and names as well as some fascinating photographs including a photo of Jesus' tomb in Kasmir and Mary’s tomb in Pakistan.
Close this review - Sri Ramakrishna: The Great Master ****
Ramakrishna is considered by many the greatest Indian saga of modern times. He lived from 1836 to 1886. Much of his work and teaching was popularized by his disciple Swami Vivikananda who traveled to the west at Ramakrishna’s bequest at the end of the 19th century and who is credited with introducing Yoga to England and the United States. It was Swami Sarananda however who spent his early life in spiritual training with Ramakrishna and was the lifelong secretary of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. His years with the master along with Sarananda’s training as a scholar and his ability to conduct the arduous research necessary for such an ambitious endeavor made him ideally suited for such a work.
Sarananda’s book is considered to be the most important source book on Ramakrishna’s life and teachings. ‘The book is unique in biographical literature, as it offers, besides an exhaustive chronological account of the Great Master’s life, a searching study of his mental states, his spiritual experiences and the philosophical and psychological background against which these events of his inner life are to be viewed and understood.’
Close this review - Jnana Yoga ****
Swami Shivananda is one of the great contemporary Indian masters. He was born in 1887 in Tamilnadu State of India. As an adult he studied medicine and for a time worked in Malaya. At the height of his career he renounced his position, and possessions and returned to India where he took up the life of a wandering mendicant. In 1936 He founded the Divine Life Society which since then has disseminated knowledge of Vedana throughout the world. He died in 1963.
Shivananda was a prolific writer. Jnana Yoga is one of his most useful treatises. Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of knowledge is one of the four classic forms of Yoga. In his book Sivananda goes through the rudiments of Jnana describing its essence, ways to meditate and explaining the distinction between soul and ego. From there he explains the difference between the knowledge which comes from direct experience and information which merely feeds the intellect. Much time is spent in a discussion of Atman and its characteristics as well as the distinction between maya the transient world perceived by the lower mind and the senses and Atman the ethernal world of the Self, where a person experiences, Sat Chit Ananda, eternal life, all knowledge and bliss.
This is a thorough and insightful book written by a master steeped in the knowledge of Vedana and fully versed in the ancient texts of Yoga and Vedanta. As one might expect the book is full of the kind of insights not readily available in books written by western students of Yoga. And for this reason as well as for many others it is a valuable resource for students of Yoga as well as anyone seeking the inner life.
Close this review - Chakra Therapy ****
What is the human energy system? How does it function and what is our relationship to it? How does it affect our health, emotional and psychological well-being as well as our relationships? These are some of the thought provoking questions addressed in this book on healing.
Chakra therapy is a practical and easy to use guide which describes the mechanics of the human energy system and the dynamics of energy flow which is at the root of all human interactions from casual encounters to the deepest experiences of intimacy.
The book demonstrates that you are essentially what the Tantrics asserted more than a millennium ago, "The universe in microcosm," with energy bodies on each dimension and an energy system which transmutes and transmits energy.
Included in this book are techniques designed to increase your energy level, transmute unhealthy frequencies into healthy ones, to bring you back into balance and harmony with yourself, your loved ones and the world you live in. The book includes notes and an extensive index in the back.
Mr. Sherwood was born in 1949. He was the founder of the American Psychic Association in 1979 and founded the Integration Center in Frieberg, Germany in 1983. His other book , "The Art of Spiritual Healing," is also available through Mr. Sherwood continues to work with people around the world who are ready to embark on the ultimate journey of Self realization.
Close this review - The Art of Spiritual Healing ****
Each one of you is a potential healer, and healing energy is always flowing through you. In Mr. Sherwood’s fascinating book, you will learn to tap the incredible power within you to heal yourself and your loved ones. Readers will learn to develop their second attention and to balance their conscious and unconscious mind. With the conscious and unconscious mind in balance Prana, the healing energy that emerges from the I Am, The Self will flow through you.
This is a practical and easy to use book filled with techniques and exercises which will teach you to diagnose disease, by feeling the aura, seeing the aura, discerning auric colors and viewing your patients’ clairvoyantly. Readers will learn to use their intent and the Prana emerging from the chakras to perform spiritual healing at a distance and through laying-on of hands.
Included in this book is an easy to use regimen of good health, which you can use to maintain a superior state of health, both on the subtle and physical planes.
Unlike most books about healing, Mr. Sherwood instructs students to use healing energy in ways that won’t disrupt their boundaries or create unhealthy conditions of polarity. This makes "The Art of Spiritual Healing" a breakthrough book which not only guides students into simple yet powerful techniques for healing and diagnosis, but which protects them from the often negative affects of taking on or absorbing energy from their patients.
Close this review - The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga ***
The ancient science of yoga remains relevant for modern life asserts Swami Vishnu-devananda in this comprehensive book covering yogic philosophy, Hatha yoga postures, breathing, diet, and meditation. Originally written in 1960, Swami Vishnu-devananda states that yoga shows the way to perfect Health, perfect mind control, and perfect peace.
The book provides illustrations of the chakras and physical body, and extensive photographs of a teenage Swami Vishnu-devananda in numerous Hatha yoga postures and yogic cleansing practices. Also included are training tables for setting up a Hatha yoga practice and a glossary of Sanskrit terms helpful for new and experienced practitioners alike.
One of the book’s strong points is its presentation of the complex topic of yogic philosophy in clear and simple terms. This book provides a variety of helpful and effective exercises and practices, which can be started immediately by just about anyone
Close this review - Yoga The Iyengar Way ***
Based on the systemic approach to Hatha yoga developed by Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, this book has much to offer students. It’s clear, has detailed instructions, and contains color and black and white photographs of the asanas (postures) and asana modifications.
One of the great strengths of Iyengar’s approach to yoga is "asana modification" with the usage of props to accommodate a wide range of flexibility so that everyone can practice and develop regardless of his or her level of flexibility and strength. The book goes into some very subtle aspects of hatha yoga which may be difficult for a new student to understand at first. But with practice and patience the nuances will soon become clear.
Some highlights include what to focus on during practice; how to work in each of the postures; and how to set up a practice at home. In addition to the Hatha yoga asanas, there are brief sections on Jnana yoga (the yoga of Knowledge), the philosophy of yoga, and Pranayama (breathing practice).
The book is replete with clear diagrams and instructions which help guide the reader and which will serve as an excellent reference to return to, again and again.
Close this review - The Elegant Universe ****
If you’ve been keeping up with the rapid developments in physics you’ve probably accepted by now that there are ten dimensions, three dimensions of space, a fourth dimension of time and six non-physical dimensions which support them. Well, get ready for Brian Greene, one of the world’s leading "String Theorists" who reveals a universe of eleven dimensions, "where the fabric of space tears and repairs itself, and all matter - from the smallest quarks to the most gargantuan supernovas - is generated by the vibrations of microscopically tiny loops of energy." These loops are superstrings, non-physical structures of subtle energy which support the physical-material!
Though an academic Mr. Greene writes clearly enough to entertain both science buffs and-or "others," average metaphysicians who are fascinated by the growing convergence of ancient, Vedanta, Tantra, metaphysics and modern physics.
The book is well paced and comprehensive. It covers current thinking in physics as well as providing a thorough introduction to physics and the issues which over the past century and a half have pushed physics to the very edge of physical reality.
The book contains a comprehensive list of notes, at the back and an easy to use index and glossary.
Close this review - A Popular Dictionary of Hinduism ****
"Hinduism is perhaps the most complicated religious phenomenon in the world. Indeed, views have been expressed that it is not one religion, but many, a kind of coalition of religion." For the student of Hinduism or Yoga (which is not a religion but a methodology embraced by Hinduism and which shares much of its philosophical tenets) its difficult enough to try to make sense of its myriad of schools, texts and variations. Add to this potpourri, the added complication that most of its basic tenants are expressed in sanskrit the ancient Aryan language - and what you have is a recipe for confusion, unmatched anywhere in the study of religion.
Since so many terms, such as karma, prana, yoga, chakra etc. are borrowed directly from sanskrit a dictionary and glossary of sanskrit terms is a necessity for the student of Hinduism and western metaphysics.
Karel Werner has written a clear, easy to use dictionary and glossary of the most important and commonly used terms. The book begins with an introduction that launches the reader into the historical development of Hinduism. The remainder of the book is devoted to defining and explaining sanskrit and vernacular terms important for understanding Hindu and Yogic practices. The definitions are succinct, accurate and written in plain English. Short biographical sketches of important figures in Hinduism-such as Sankara and Ramakrishna are also included. This is a very useful book for the beginner, and serious student alike.
Close this review - Self Realization in Kashmir Shaivism *****
This book is just one more in the excellent series of classical Hindu, Tantric, Yogic and Buddhist works recently published by SUNY, The State University of New York Press. The book presents the oral teachings on Spiritual Practice, Discipline and Kundalini-Sakti by Swami Lakshmanjoo a twentieth century master of Kashmir Saivism as well his commentaries and an excellent translation of important verses from two classic Tantric texts, the Bodhapancadasika and the Parapravesika. The last two texts were written by two of the greatest Tantric masters Abhinavagupta, (considered the greatest of all Tantric masters) and Ksemaraja, Abhinavagupta’s greatest disciple.
The five chapters presented here were originally given as lectures and they embody some of the most important tenets of classical Tantra.
This book is an excellent introduction into a spiritual system whose overriding purpose was to bring the adept into the recognition that, "...this world is not different from God. It is a world created by the lord in play, for the fun of it."
At the beginning of the book there is an extensive introduction describing the life and times of the masters whose works are included. In the back is a useful index.
Close this review - The Kybalian *****
Hermetics is the foundation on which our understanding of spiritual healing is built. Originating in ancient Egypt, Hermetics, we are told, was given to humankind by Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, who the Greeks called Hermes Trismegistrus. He was hailed from the earliest times as the ‘Master of Masters.’ If Hermes did exist, he is truly the father of esoteric wisdom. The details of his life have been lost to us, but one tradition has it that he was a contemporary of Abraham. Whatever the truth may be, Hermes gave to humankind a set of teachings or axioms, which has influenced philosophy and religion ever since. His entire philosophy hinges on seven simple principles and the practice of healing in its many forms is most clearly understood in Hermetic terms...and is most succinctly expressed in the ‘Kybalian.’
The ‘Kybalian’ was written in 1912 and since that time has become a modern classic. For students of healing and metaphysics, it is essential reading. The seven axioms are clearly explained and by studying them and applying them daily to spiritual work, the student will avoid many errors and will make rapid progress.
Close this review - How to Know God -
The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali *****
The sage Patanjali has been revered by adepts for centuries both in India and more recently in the west. And his ‘Aphorisms of Yoga’, along with the Bhagavad- Gita are considered the two pillars on which modern Yoga stands. Written more than 1500 years ago, no other work save the Bhagavad-Gita has quite so eloquently succeeded in illuminating Yoga, its aims, methods and power to illuminate.
Though the techniques and methods expounded on by Patanjali were not new, but rather a compilation of techniques and meditations already found in the Katha, Swetaswatara, Taittiriya, and Maitrayani Upanishads he presented them in a way that made them accessible to the adepts of his era and those who’d come later.
Mr. Isherwood and Swami Prabhavananda introduce Patanjali’s work with a short forward, after which the sutras are presented in their traditional order. Each sutra is followed by an excellent commentary. At the end of the book is a short index.
For those of you interested in Yoga, Vedanta and-or seek Self illumination Patanjali’s Aphorisms are essential reading.
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